A large island country divided into two parts, both with their own
individual terrain and wildlife.
Part 1: FOREST
The bottom part of the country is just called “Forest”, and is where
people will start playing; it is home to the mysterious Vineman race. The
town that people will be starting in is called Kenn, a town that contains
many houses made of wood.
This part of Triken was named after the massive mountain that towers
overall the other ones in this huge mountain range, so heavy that it has
created a moat around itself. There are some rumours that there is an
entrance to the cave within the mountain, where a beast sleeps…
There are no towns or cities in CM.
A country that is basically a massive city, the streets all keeping the
same colour scheme of a pleasant grey-blue. This country has a higher
amount of people than any other, and is still not very condensed with
people. This country is home to the base of the Alliance.
Pronounced “hee”, this is a very dangerous country that is basically a
large complex of land bridges made of mountain ranges; it contains the
largest concentration of dragons on the planet.
The legendary home to the “Mole people”, and is probably the most
dangerous place on the planet. Home to all sorts of nasty things; it is
full of deserts and sand dunes.
Anywhere outside these countries is to your imagination.
The whole idea of this RPG is that you can fill these places with your
cool ideas for quests and dilemmas and stuff. The countries are sort of an
assortment of sandboxes, only with a few sand castles made, but much room
for you to make your own.
Well, it’s quite simple, and quite non-simple; the simple stuff is finding
a name for your character and his/her appearance. The characters you can
make will have to me human/semi human. Other than a humanI am allowing
characters to be a harpie (NOT harpy, there’s a difference), or a
beastman. (NOT a furry beastman, I’m just talking about ears and tail
beastman) The tricky part is thinking of a back-story that explains the
situation your character is suddenly in.
The situation any character will be in when they enter this game is as
The character will wake up in a small hospital in the town of Kenn, the
character is neutral, meaning he/she has not joined any armies/clans, and
is free to do what they want.
A legion of knights protecting Triken that are constantly blessed by the
sun guardian and are therefore very powerful, the only way a person can
join is if they locate the base, which is rumoured to be deep in the
mountains of north Triken.
A large clan of barbaric nomadic people who are located underground in
Nharvarda. Not much is known about them, but it is thought that the
guardian of pain, suffering, and the atmosphere sometimes blesses them.
The opposing force to the mole men, these people sometimes trade with the
Alliance, but usually spend time trying to destroy the mole men, but to no
victory. They are often attacked and damaged by ruthless raids from the
mole men.
A law following ancient clan, located at the farthest northeast of Kerna.
These people have the horribly active duty of keeping Kerna safe, fighting
against all the thieves, murderers and crime organisations that come
unwelcome to the streets of Kerna.
Whatever you can imagine, there are a few places that don’t even have
clans yet, like the small islands between Triken and Nharvarda and Hie.
And of course, anyone can just add on a country to the map.
These are not gods. These are merely upgraded people chosen by gods to do
all the dirty work. Here are some that are known:
Arimasu – The sun guardian, thinking of the Soul Knights as her
“Children”. She is the youngest Guardian, a mere age of 23, she has a kind
aura to her, and has stunningly radiant skin and hair, but no one has
actually seen her properly. She is always behind the sun.
Ma – The Guardian of pain, suffering, and keeping the atmosphere in
place. If it were not for Ma, the planet would not be able to hold life,
so people tend to put up for the fact that every unnecessary suffering is
because of this cruel guardian.
Archyura- Guardian of the sea, he is one of the few Guardians who
doesn’t look like a human much. The only human part of him is his head,
the rest being a crab upper-body, crab arms, and an octopus lower-body.
Archyura is also the Guardian of challenge, and for this reason he is the
Guardian that comes down to the planet the most, challenging random
travellers to a battle.
REMEMBER: You can change the story to your liking. (For example, I can
just make a character conveniently point my main character to a hidden
place, sorta like BZPB, in the way that you can just make a random
character at any time, the wake-up-in-hospital rule only applies for MAIN