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Zev the Reveler
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    BZPower Battles

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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by SHROOM Tue May 10, 2011 8:15 pm

    [ Training Room: ]

    *Shroom gives a small glance at the wooden block, with both curiosity and a thirst for knowledge in his eyes*

    Shroom: Uhhh... What exactly is that thing?

    *He develops an itch on his nose, but chooses to ignore it rather than frustrating himself*

    Shroom: I mean, I know it's a block of wood, but why is it giving of that amount of power?


    [ Bebop II corridor: ]

    *Moss, who has been wondering aimlessly around the Bebop II, bumps into something warm and fuzzy*

    Ursakune: Hello, Chlorophyll.

    *Ursakune hugs Moss briefly*

    Moss: Uhh, you have gotta see something in one of the training rooms, you won't be sorry~

    Ursakune: Of course, but first, I have some strange news to share.

    *Ursakune scratches his ear*

    Ursakune: Are you aware that Draak'ha is about to arrive here?

    *Moss' jaw hits the floor*

    Moss: You're kidding.

    Ursakune: I'm not~

    Moss: Oh, this is going to be the greatest~

    Ursakune: Just like old times, right?

    *They both make their way to the training room Shroom is currently in*
    Zev the Reveler
    Zev the Reveler
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Zev the Reveler Tue May 10, 2011 8:55 pm

    [ Training Room: ]

    Misaki: *Glances up*

    *Smiling, she gives the object a gaze with loving eyes*

    Misaki: ...It's an emblem of the Raregroove side of my family...Containing much magic.

    Mamimi: *Speaks up* How did it acquire all of that power?

    Misaki: Every generation, Raregroove mages pour some of their magic into it...

    Mamimi: ...So it gets stronger as the years pass...

    Misaki: *Nods happily*

    --- --- ---

    [ Outside, The Bebop II's Hull: ]

    *Gazing up at the stars, Mikihisa and Vi stay silent*

    Vi: ... *Finally speaks* For a long time...I had no idea about the tribe I was from.

    Mikihisa: Hm? Then where did you live? *Notes something* Ah...The Orphanage?

    Vi: Yeah. Childhood at that hellhole child labor-farm probably didn't have the best effect on my temper.

    *Getting up to her feet, she places her goggles back over her eyes*

    Vi: I basically kept that orphanage from falling apart. Sorry to leave ya hanging, but...

    Mikihisa: Not a problem. I'll just sit right here, Vi-san.

    Vi: *Smiles* Thanks. *Goes up to continue repairs*

    *The sound of power tools floats down again*

    Mikihisa: ... *Keeps watching the stars* ...

    *A chill wind passes by*

    --- --- ---

    [ Pitou's Room: ]

    *Containing only one tiny, armored window to provide light - In the upper far-left corner of the room from the door - Within are a number of closely-packed couches and armchairs, as well as a sizeable bunkbed, an oversized catbed, a medium-sized, round wooden table in the center of the room, and a couple of large ottomans on either side of said table*

    *As well, there are two large TV sets - Before the catbed and at the foot of the bunkbed - A large conglomeration of computers crammed into the foot of the top bunk, several scooter and toy parts, as well as respective tools littering the floor, cluttered scrolls and tomes, innumerable stuffed animals and toys, and a few piles of knit pillows. As a final note, there is a little dogbed beside the bunkbed*

    Pitou: *Sits on one couch, leaning himself on the arm; faint starlight falls on him in a narrow shaft*

    Makoto: *Has gently tucked Yuuka into the lower bunkbed, careful not to wake her*

    Dorothy: *Taken a seat in one armchair, she keeps her hands folded politely on her lap*

    Pitou: ...Firstly, you remember the "terminals" you required for input?

    Dorothy: Yes, of course. What of them?

    Pitou: ...I've found one of them. On Thuul-3.

    Dorothy: ... *Blinks* ...Strange...I cannot find it in my databanks...

    Pitou: That would be because it officially doesn't exist. It's a rocky, frozen moon of Thuul Prime.

    Dorothy: Well, then...Why is it hidden? Is it simply unimportant, or...?

    Pitou: It was a penal colony that encountered an...Incident. Many dangerous criminals may yet walk free.

    Makoto: Nothing we shouldn't be able to handle, eh? *Tail bobs back and forth*

    Pitou: Yes, but...There seems to be an unknown, dangerous factor.

    Dorothy: ... *Falls silent* ...

    --- --- ---

    [ Concealed Training Room: ]

    Fran: ... *Nods slightly* I think this is a success.

    Chrome: *Panting, the Lens has disappeared; instead, she holds some kind of staff, wildly seething Mist Flames*

    *Allowing the staff to become Neb once again, Chrome lightly touches her Earring of the Mist*

    *Immediately, though, she finds a pair of arms around her*

    Haru: You were awesome, Chrome-chan~!

    Chrome: Th...Thank you...

    --- --- ---

    [ Ghu'uhr: ]

    *Sitting apart from the Irumok, Mushima and Takashima talk quietly*

    Mushima: *Eyes closed* Ghu'uhr...Most dangerous planet of its system, Ghu'uhr is home to many dangerous species of both advanced and primitive crustaceans; as well as smaller numbers of other equally deadly arthropods, it has resisted colonization for most of the time it has been known. The only intelligent native race is the Ghurr, and they have learned quickly to avoid offworlders when at all possible. Only planet known for giant anomalotharye to occur naturally.

    *Falling silent, it is a few moments before he opens his eyes again to look around*

    Mushima: ...It appears that the master chose this place for seclusion...And natural defenses.

    Takashima: *Inclines head* Glah. Glagggh. *Points off into the foliage*

    Mushima: Yes...I hear them as well, brother.

    *Rustlings approach...*
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Kon Wed May 11, 2011 7:18 am

    V-K: I have an idea.

    *Using his Hunger powers, he absorbs all of the spheres in front of him*
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Tamar Wed May 11, 2011 11:49 am

    *Vorahk-Kah is electrocuted from inside*
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Kon Wed May 11, 2011 3:14 pm

    V-K: Argh!

    *He divides the energy spheres in his body into the rest of his body, so they are destroyed*
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by SHROOM Wed May 11, 2011 3:26 pm

    [ Training Room: ]

    Shroom: ... Nice.

    *Shroom immediately wants to at least touch the block, but realizes that even if he was allowed to, he couldn't*

    *A girl bursts into the training room, followed by a bear*

    Ursakune: What have you done now, Shroom?

    Moss: *Mockingly* He tried to do the buffed unhinging spell, but it didn't exactly work, now did it Shroom?

    Shroom: Freaking-

    Ursakune: Were you thinking about what happened last time you tried?

    Moss: He wasn't thinking at all~

    *Shroom decides not to argue*

    *The summon coin next to Shroom and Mamimi starts to vibrate and glow*

    Shroom: Uh-oh...

    Moss: Oooh~ She's gonna flip when she sees Shroom~!
    Zev the Reveler
    Zev the Reveler
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Zev the Reveler Wed May 11, 2011 8:56 pm

    [ Training Room: ]

    Mamimi: Hm. *Gazes at the coin calmly*

    Misaki: *Inspects the emblem with an equally relaxed look*

    Haruko & Ryoko: *Still napping*

    --- --- ---

    [ Pitou's Room: ]

    Pitou: *Is carefully sewing a tear on some kind of stuffed animal*

    Makoto: *Has curled up on an ottomon, fast asleep*

    Dorothy: ... *Gazes at Yuuka* ...

    --- --- ---

    [ Bebop II Mess Hall: ]

    Zev: *Has just left the kitchens after helping to wash trays*

    *Looking up, he blinks a few times; then sighs a bit*

    Zev: I have a profound sense of forboding. Something tells me an old character is coming ba - Uff.

    *Tackled by a tiny, swift-moving blur, Zev goes flying conveniently into a chair*

    *Hugging his chest tightly, still kicking her legs behind herself, the small, puppy-resemblent girl stares up at him in clear distress*


    Zev: GOD!! Coco, what is it!?

    Coco: ... ... ...

    Zev: ... ... ...


    Zev: Right. That thing. *Suddenly roars* WHAT IS YOUR MAJOR MALFUNCTION, SOLDIER!!? *Tosses Coco up and away from himself*


    Zev: Thank God. *Ahem* At ease, soldier! Report to me in excruciating detail why you have been M.I.P., Missing In Plot, for so long!!

    Coco: SIR YES SIR!! *Starts running relatively slow laps before Zev* Lieutenant Viriathus left me with Briggs Base, as she wished for me to be General Olivier's problem!! Once General Olivier wanted no more to do with me, she dumped me with some space pirates in exchange for releasing them with no charges and giving them some sacks of gold!!

    Coco: Once the pirates chained me up in a spare escape pod and left me with some Marines, they let me out and were really really nice!! I got my head stuck in a bucket, and their Captain helped me!! Soon, they put me back in the chained-up escape pod and dropped me on the most out-of-the-way planet they could find!! Upon spotting the ship leaving earlier, I ran here and entered using my military personnel pass!! END REPORT, SIR!!

    *Still running in circles, she seems to be picking up ever-more speed*

    Zev: ... *Sighs, fishing around in his pockets* It's gotta be here...Ah.

    *Taking out a golden key adorned with the symbol for the Zodiac Sign Aries, he points it forward*

    Zev: Open, Gate to the Ram! *The key glows with a bright light*

    *As the light fades, another long-forgotten character emerges forth*

    Aries: ... *Looks around* Ah...Zev-sama...What...?

    Zev: Arie-chan, please. Coco's being Coco again.

    Aries: ... *Turns her gaze to Coco* ...

    Coco: *In the middle of her laps, is repeatedly stopping to jump up and kick off the nearest wall*

    Aries: Ah... *Gently holds hands out* ...Um...Wool Bomb.

    *From her hands, a little sphere of glowing white wool floats outward*

    *As it passes through Coco, the little girl rapidly slows*

    Coco: ... *Yawwwn* ... *Drops to knees, before walking like that a few steps*

    *Eventually coming to a stop, she curls up on the floor*

    Coco: ...Zzz...Zzz...Zzz... *Lightly sucks on thumb*

    Aries: ...S...Sorry... *Turns to look at Zev*

    Zev: ...Zzz...Zzzzz...Zzz...Zzz... *Has promptly gone to sleep*

    Aries: ... *Glances back and forth between the two, looking a bit flustered* ...

    *From nearby, a scientific mind observes the proceedings*

    Kokonoe: ... *Takes sucker out of mouth* Interesting.

    *Replacing the sucker, a plan visibly begins forming in her head*

    Aries: *Begins looking distressed*


    OOS: For those who have forgotten, yes, these are existing characters.

    Time to update their pages!

    --- --- ---

    [ Ghu'uhr: ]

    *The Irumok keep their guns trained on the foliage*

    Mushima: *Eyes closed once again* With its hefty shell, crushing pincers, and well-armored, piercing tail, the king oph'ullk rules the jungles of Ghu'uhr. This race's tendency for both parents to ferociously protect their numerous hardshelled eggs results in a massive population that has never fallen below plentiful numbers in Ghu'uhr's recorded history. The king oph'ullk is an extremely territorial and tenacious beast that should not be approached.

    *Turning his head upward, eyes open again, he looks out at the rustling leaves*

    Mushima: I leave this beast to you, Takashima.

    Takashima: Glah. *Moves in cautiously*

    *Without warning, a massive creature scuttles out of the brush*

    *Resembling a gigantic horseshoe crab, the most distinct differences are that its tail, while still narrow, covered in armor, and tapering to a wicked point, displays a tendency to whip and lash wildly; and its bulky, hefty claws just beside the front of the shell. From deep within the shell, rumbles of anger constantly emerge*

    *Immediately upon emerging, the beast simply ignores the hollow-point bullets fired into its shell and whips its tail around to gouge through two Irumok's necks*

    *Taking a pair of Irumok around the knees by its pincers, the sheer crushing force causes red-orange blood to stream down the edges; the Irumok, gasping and wheezing, asphyxiate from their climate suits being breached*

    *However, before it can do anymore damage, the king oph'ullk finds a pair of huge hands buried into the side of its shell*

    Takashima: *Roars bestially, before spinning 'round and 'round with the king oph'ullk in tow*

    *One last whirl sends the best flying into a tree trunk, where its main shell cracks violently*

    *As cobalt blue blood spatters onto and off of its flailing legs, Takashima hefts a large rock...*


    *With that huge rock buried into the bottom of the king oph'ullk's head, it falls still*

    Takashima: Glah. *Walks calmly back to Mushima's side*

    *The Irumok look over the five allies they have lost thus far, before turning to the brothers*

    Mushima: I have personal access to my master's research files on Ghu'uhr.

    *Eyes glinting, he swiftly lashes out with one claw into the brush*



    *Tossing the monstrous centipede to the side, its face crushed, he looks back to the Irumok*

    Mushima: You all will only survive by following our directions.

    *His stare remains even towards the Irumok bounty hunters*

    *Grumbles circle around as they discuss matters...*

    --- --- ---

    [ Ryuten: ]

    Hishima: ... *Stands on the edge of the main dock, gazing down* ...

    *Murmuring to himself, his eyes remain focused on the sea of shadow far below*

    Hishima: ...They will be following soon enough...We must make haste to finish the mission.

    *Eyes glowing crimson for a few moments, he gives a near-inaudible sigh*

    Hishima: ...Tatetsuki's mind shall be mine for just long enough.

    *Turning, he heads into a small passage*

    Hishima: We will succeed.
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Tamar Fri May 13, 2011 6:01 am

    *Vorahk-Kah is attacked my more spheres*
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Kon Fri May 13, 2011 7:22 am

    *V-K absorbs them and divides them across his body like before*
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Tamar Fri May 13, 2011 4:52 pm

    *V-K is blasted in the back*
    Zev the Reveler
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Zev the Reveler Fri May 13, 2011 5:17 pm

    OOS: ...I'll respond to...Shroom's post...

    In the...Other thread...I... ... ...Guess...?

    --- --- ---

    [ Training Room: ]

    Mamimi: *Ogles Draak'ha*

    Misaki: It's so nice to meet you, Draak'ha-chan! Tee hee~

    Haruko & Ryoko: *Still napping*

    --- --- ---

    [ Pitou's Room: ]

    Dorothy: *Sits on the bed, next to Yuuka*

    *She gently runs a hand through Yuuka's blue hair*

    Makoto: Cute~ *Swoon*

    --- --- ---

    [ Cafeteria: ]

    Aries: *Cowering*

    Kokonoe: Lemme go!! I've always wanted to experiment on a Celestial Spirit from the Ecliptic Gold Zodiac Keys!!

    Zev: *Keeps her clenched in a bearhug*

    Coco: ...Zzz...Zzzzz...

    --- --- ---

    [ Ghu'uhr: ]

    Mushima: *Looks out from a beach*

    *The sand is a dull gray, giving off a cloying stench; and the ocean is murky and stormy*

    *Far out, rising up from a tiny isle, is a squat, mechanical tower*

    Mushima: ...Therein lies Special Program 32.

    Takashima: Glah.

    --- --- ---

    [ Bebop II, Hull: ]

    Vi: *Smiles, pulling goggles up past eyes*

    *After surprisingly little time, the hull has been completely repaired*

    Vi: ...We're ready to rock. *Jumps down*

    Mikihisa: Awesome. *Follows after*
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Tamar Fri May 13, 2011 5:21 pm

    OOS: Why the f### is this still happening? I thought SS increased the page limit to 120?
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by SHROOM Fri May 13, 2011 5:57 pm

    [ Training room: ]

    Draak'ha: Helloo, everyone~

    *She holds onto Shroom more tightly, if Shroom could move away, he would*

    *She seems to be wearing metal shoes, but further inspection shows that she is not wearing any shoes, they are metal replacements of her feet, covered in a strange language*

    Moss: Aawww~

    Ursakune: What have you been doing when we haven't seen you, Draak'ha?

    Draak'ha: We~ll... I've been a bit of a bounty hunter, got a bit of money... Aaaaand I made a few enemies, nothing other than normal~

    Moss: You're right about that~ You used to get in loads of trouble.

    Draak'ha: *Giggles*
    Zev the Reveler
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Zev the Reveler Fri May 13, 2011 6:02 pm

    [ Bebop II, Training Room: ]

    Misaki: Hmmm...

    Mamimi: Say...What race are you of, Draak'ha-san?

    Misaki: *Creeps closer* ... *Looms over Draak'ha, smile quivering strangely*

    Mamimi: Um~ Misaki-san? What are you doing~?

    Misaki: ... *Gently runs her fingers along Draak'ha's hair*

    *Her eyes are positively aglow towards Draak'ha*

    Misaki: Your hair is beautiful~!

    --- --- ---

    [ Pitou's Room: ]

    Pitou: ...Would you like to show Yuuka your room when she wakes up, Dorothy?

    Dorothy: Yes...Yes I would. I hope she would like it.

    *She continues stroking Yuuka's hair*
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by SHROOM Fri May 13, 2011 6:23 pm

    [ Training Room: ]

    Draak'ha: *Giggles* Thank you~

    *She looks at Mamimi and points at Moss playfully*

    Draak'ha: Same race as her~ but I come from a kind of dwindling people called the Mole men.

    Shroom: Okay, this is starting to hurt...

    *Draak'ha giggles and releases Shroom

    Draak'ha: *Turns to Mamimi and Misaki* ... What are your names?

    Zev the Reveler
    Zev the Reveler
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Zev the Reveler Fri May 13, 2011 6:50 pm

    [ Bebop II, Training Room: ]

    Mamimi: I'm Mamimi Samejima.

    *Crooking her thumb over her shoulder, she indicates the two napping women*

    Mamimi: Pink hair, Haruko Haruhara. Cyan hair, Ryoko Hakubi.

    Misaki: *Smiles* And my name is Misaki Masaki Raregroove~! *Bows with an unusually refined air*

    *Giggling, she traces her fingers over the leather accessories in Draak'ha's hair*

    Misaki: Wherever you, Moss-chan, and Shroom-kun come from is very stylish~! Tee hee~

    *She's obviously enamoured with Draak'ha's appearance*

    --- --- ---

    [ Pitou's Room: ]

    Dorothy: *Rests hand on Yuuka's cheek*

    Pitou: *Inspects the stuffed animal he's been working on*

    Makoto: *Hand-grooms her fluffy tail*

    OOS: Yuuka can wake up, like...

    ...Aaanytime now.

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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by SHROOM Fri May 13, 2011 9:07 pm

    [ Bebop II, Training Room: ]

    Draak'ha: Heheh~, I made those as soon as my hair grew long enough, quite a while ago actually.

    Moss: She comes from a country called Nharvarda, she's probably the most feared from both sides of the war.

    Shroom: Wait, where are your claymores?

    Draak'ha: ... Are you blind?

    *She twists around slightly to show that two large claymores covered in a strange language are strapped to her back*

    Shroom: You carry them around all the time?

    Draak'ha: You get used to it~

    Ursakune: You know, I don't think you have changed one bit. Oh, and unless you haven't noticed, I talk now.

    *Draak'ha looks at the bear, showing beautiful hazel eyes*

    Draak'ha: I've seen weirder things happen.

    *Ursakune seems flabbergasted at how little Draak'ha is reacting, he thinks no more of it though, and scratches his ear*

    [ Pitou's Room: ]

    *Yuuka yawns and stretches her wings*

    Yuuka: *Sits up* ...

    *She yawns again*

    Yuuka: ... Hello...
    Zev the Reveler
    Zev the Reveler
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Zev the Reveler Fri May 13, 2011 9:20 pm

    [ Training Room: ]

    *A yawn can be heard*

    *Getting up, Haruko gently lays a napping Ryoko back on the floor*

    Haruko: ... *Notes Draak'ha, her proximity to Shroom, and gives roughly this expression: *

    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Kawapaper_FLCL_0000011_1600x1200

    Haruko: Shroom-kun's developing his own harem~ So touching.

    *Over to and laying beside him in a heartbeat, Haruko traces circles on Shroom's chest with her index finger*

    Haruko: You know, I'm perfectly fine being in yours and Zev's harems~

    Mamimi: Honestly, Haru-nee, I don't think you should say Zev has a harem around -

    Misaki: *Eyes sparkling* I always awaited the day my son would have so many girls breaking his spine~!

    Haruko: Zev's themesong~ *Strums guitar* I've been rollin' down the road~ Tryin' to loosen my load~ I've got seven~ women on my mind~

    Misaki: Four that wanna own me~ Two that wanna stone me~ One says she's a friend of mine~

    Haruko: Take it ea~~~sy~ Take it ea~~~sy~ *Starts jamming out beside Shroom*

    Misaki: Don't let the sound of your own wheels~ Make you crazy~

    Mamimi: ... *Stares at the spectacle* ...

    --- --- ---

    [ Cafeteria: ]

    Zev: Atchuu. *Looks around*

    Kokonoe: *Scarfing down a box of Russel Stover chocolates*

    Aries: *Sitting politely at a table*

    Coco: *Still napping quietly*

    *She also still lightly sucks her thumb*

    Aries: ... *Smiles slightly* ...

    --- --- ---

    [ Pitou's Room: ]

    Dorothy: ...Yuuka...May I show you my room?

    Pitou: *Now cuddling the stuffed animal*

    Makoto: *Inspects her squirrel tail*
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by SHROOM Fri May 13, 2011 9:40 pm

    [ Training Room: ]

    *Draak'ha looks toward Haruko, smiling*

    Draak'ha: *Giggles* Hello, Haruko~! I'm Draak'ha~

    Moss: I wonder where Yuuka is...

    Draak'ha: Ooh~! I remember her~ the small harpie that didn't say a word to me?

    Moss: Yup.

    Shroom: Maybe she'll turn up, she might remember you.

    Draak'ha: I highly doubt that~

    [ Pitou's Room: ]

    Yuuka: *Still a bit sleepy* ...Okay~

    *She leans against Dorothy for support*
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Zev the Reveler Fri May 13, 2011 9:48 pm

    [ Training Arena: ]

    Haruko: *Nuzzles against Shroom again*

    Mamimi: *Gently runs her fingers through Shroom's dreadlocks*

    Misaki: B'waaaaawww~ *Eyes go sparkly*

    Ryoko: *Yaaawwwn* ...That old woman never changes...

    *She abruptly finds herself yanked back by a fistful of hair*

    Ryoko: *Getting shaken around* Ah-ah-ah~! I'm sorry, I'm sorry~! Please stop~!

    Misaki: Who are you calling an old woman!?

    Ryoko: *Whimper* I'm so sorry I offended you pretty young lady!! *Tears stream from eyes*

    Misaki: *Pulls her into a gentle hug* It's fine, dear.

    Ryoko: *Whimper* *Whimper*

    --- --- ---

    [ Main Room: ]

    Vi: *Sips on a cup of coffee*

    *She sits beside Namah on the couch, in front of the shut-off TV set*

    Namah: So...Maxie's last friend was found, and the ship is space-worthy again.

    Vi: *Srrrp* Mm-hm. *Srrrp*

    Namah: Finally, the plot might move again.

    Vi: Mm-hm. *Srrrp*

    Namah: ...I don't suppose you're enjoying that cup of coffee, by any chance?

    Vi: Yes I am, actually. *Smile*

    Namah: ... *Stare* ...

    Vi: *Srrrp*

    --- --- ---

    [ Back in the Library: ]

    Dorothy: *Leads Yuuka just around the main shelf*

    *This brings them right to the entrance of Dorothy's room*

    *Basically only an alcove with enough room for Dorothy's bed and a nightstand beside it, as well as a vertical, narrow rectangular window right above; also armored. Atop the nightstand is a peculiar device - Built like an hourglass, some kind of energy serenely flows from top to bottom and back with pauses between each, periodically changing colors and shape in a relaxed fashion*

    Dorothy: *Gestures into the tiny space* Do you...Like it?

    Makoto: ...Those are...Cramped quarters.

    Pitou: Hm. Right below my room. Cool. *Notes something back in the main library*

    Dorothy: *Glances at Yuuka*
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by SHROOM Sat May 14, 2011 8:07 am

    [ Training Arena: ]

    *Shroom, Draak'ha and Moss look at the short outburst, shocked*

    Shroom: *Calms almost immediately* Heh, that was a bit like you, Draak'ha.

    Draak'ha: Want me to prove it?

    *She begins crushing Shroom's arm*

    Shroom: No! No, no, I'm fine, it's cool.

    *She stops crushing and hugs him again*

    Moss: Seriously, it is amazing how much she hasn't changed, like I remember the time when she managed to break both of Shroom's legs, just because he pointed out that she had something stuck in her teeth...

    Draak'ha: Hey, I was very self-conscious...

    Ursakune: Heh, it reminds me of the time when-

    Draak'ha: Okay, we get it, we get it~


    [ Dorothy's room: ]

    *Yuuka looks around and smiles*

    Yuuka: *Rubs her eyes* Reminds me of my room when I was living with Shroom's family, I chose the smallest room because I liked it that way... There wasn't much room to spread my wings, but I got used to it~

    *She giggles*

    Yuuka: It's a nice room, Dorothy~

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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Zev the Reveler Sat May 14, 2011 3:17 pm

    [ Training Room: ]

    Haruko: *Finally pulls away from Shroom*

    *Taking up her guitar once again, she begins strumming experimentally*

    *Soon enough, she begins playing a slow song on the guitar*

    *Satisfied with the sound, she begins to take it along*

    *It sounds like a simpler version of the below song, in Haruko's voice*

    *After that song, she winks at Mamimi and moves onto another song*

    Mamimi: ... *Sings sweetly* ...He was a kid / I knew from school; He was the kid / Everybody loved...Everybody wanted / To be as cool; He was what all the girls / Were dreaming of...I met him one day / Beside the river...He had a look / Of being rushed...

    *Eyes closed, she continues the song*

    Mamimi: He looked cold / But didn't shiver
    He looked upset / But his voice was hushed

    I asked his name / Why he came to me
    He was quiet at first / And didn't reply
    But what I never / Thought I would see
    Was this idol hunch up / And start to cry...

    *Totally immersed in the song, she ignores everyone around her*

    Haruko: *Keeps on playing for Mamimi to sing to*

    Mamimi: I asked him why / He came to me
    A nobody who everyone / Bullied and teased
    I was the outcast / No one wanted to be
    But I tried to put his / Heart at ease

    I stroked his hand / And told him soft
    I'd help him throw / His worries off
    He looked up to me / His eyes changed
    And told me I / Was very strange...

    *Coming to a stop, she looks at Haruko - Who has also stopped playing*

    Mamimi: I hope you finish that song soon... *Turning, she looks at the others*

    Misaki: *Is smiling, eyes teary; she holds Ryoko in her arms like a sort of teddy bear*

    Ryoko: That was...A nice...Song... *Fears her tongue will slip and anger Misaki once again*

    Mamimi: *Turns, looking to Shroom, Draak'ha, Moss, and Ursakune*

    *Doe eyes as soft as ever, she speaks to them quietly*

    Mamimi: What did you think...?

    --- --- ---

    [ Kokonoe's Lab: ]

    Zev: *Holds Coco in his arms* You'd better watch it, Kokonoe.

    Kokonoe: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Trust me, I won't go and ruin such a rare specimen.

    Aries: Uwoh... *Strapped to a lab table, shivers quietly*

    *Above her, a light mounted on a mechanical arm scans down from top to bottom*

    Aries: *Screws eyes shut, expecting the worst* ... ... ... *Shiver*

    *As soon as the light moves away, the straps release her*

    Kokonoe: Done and done. Now, Zev... *Turns, looking at him*

    Aries: *Moves back to Zev's side, still quite a bit shellshocked from fear*

    Kokonoe: What other Ecliptic Celestial Keys do you currently possess?

    Zev: Silver Keys are...Canis Minor, Leo Minor, Crux, Horologium, Caelum, Triangulum, Telescopium, and Lyra. My Golden Keys are Aries - Obviously... - Leo, Sagittarius, Taurus, and Gemini.

    Kokonoe: *Has been taking notes* I see...Would you be willing to demonstrate some of their abilities?

    Zev: ...Meh. Might as well. Keep close please, Arie-chan. *Follows Kokonoe*

    Aries: Eep. *Tries to keep as close to Zev as possible* ... *Shivers, looking at the stockpiled weapons*

    Zev: ... *Offers an arm for her, smiling gently while still holding Coco*

    Aries: ...Thank you... *Takes his arm gently* ...

    Zev: Not a problem, Arie-chan.

    Kokonoe: Feh.

    --- --- ---

    [ Library / Dorothy's Room: ]

    Dorothy: ...Thank you...

    Pitou: *Has wandered off, finding a book to read* ...Hmmm...

    Makoto: *Gazes fondly at the object on Dorothy's nightstand* ...Coo~l...

    Dorothy: *Stays close to Yuuka*

    --- --- ---

    [ Ghu'uhr: ]

    Mushima: *Waits on the beach*

    *Behind him, the Irumok keep close together*

    *Abruptly, a huge shape lunges from the surf towards Mushima*

    Mushima: *Swings claw into the beast's head, knocking it back into the surf*

    *As the hideous creature prepares to attack again, writhing in the surf, Mushima speaks*

    Mushima: The giant anomalotharye, only known to occur strictly naturally on Ghu'uhr and no other planets, is the swiftest, most ferocious predator of the sea. A living fossil, it will even attack creatures on the shore if they catch its eye and look weak enough...

    Giant Anomalotharye: *Gurgles, lunging across the wet sand straight towards Mushima*

    Mushima: *Brings claw down hard, onto its head*

    *As more cobalt-blue blood splatters around, Mushima looks back out to sea*

    Mushima: ...I grow tired of this place.
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Klak Sat May 14, 2011 4:58 pm

    *The group follows Etna*


    *Klak is hit in the elbow, and grabs his arm*

    *he shakes his head, and leaps into the air*

    *Klak begins to blast the tanks with light. Then uses sonics and gravity to destroy several others*

    *he lands on the battlefield, and helps the Malchiorians fight them*

    *Perseus walks up to Praepositus*

    Perseus: "Run, boy. Tell Uterio that he has lost on Malchior. Just like he lost on Krustallos."
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Tamar Sat May 14, 2011 5:04 pm

    *MK is dragged out of his cell by robots and strapped to a chair*
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Klak Sat May 14, 2011 6:20 pm

    *MK begins to wriggle*


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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Tamar Sat May 14, 2011 6:30 pm

    *a gold robot walks up to MK*

    Meca One: I am Meca One. I am the leader of this army. Who are you?
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by SHROOM Sat May 14, 2011 6:59 pm

    [ Training Room: ]

    *Draak'ha begins clapping, while Moss tries to hold in the tears, Shroom smiles appraisingly*

    Draak'ha: Haha~ Amazing~!

    Shroom: Heheh, brilliant, I like it.

    Moss: *Whimpers*

    *As swift as anything, Draak'ha gets up and comforts Moss*

    *As soon as Draak'ha is close enough, Moss pulls her into a hug*

    Moss: *Sniff* I loved it...

    Draak'ha: We know, we know... It's okay...

    *Draak'ha giggles as Moss puts her face into her shoulder*

    *Draak'ha goes to lay down next to Shroom again, and brings Moss along with her*


    [ Dorothy's room / Library: ]

    Yuuka: ...Do you mind if we go to see the others soon?

    *She smiles*

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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Zev the Reveler Sat May 14, 2011 7:13 pm

    [ Training Room: ]

    Mamimi: *Takes out a Burst Green*

    *Flicking her wrist, she tosses it against the floor*

    *Swiftly, it grows into a sort of flower with five thorny vine-"limbs" and ruffled pink petals*

    Haruko: *Continues strumming lightly on her guitar*

    Misaki: *Keeps a hold on Ryoko*

    Ryoko: *Whimper*

    Haruko: *Keeps strumming guitar, until...*

    ...Chng chng chng chng chng...

    *Eyes widening slightly, she looks down at her left wrist*

    *Positioned there is a heavy, metallic bracer, with a ring resembling a chain link hooked into a half-ring*

    *At this moment, the adjoined ring is rattling quietly*

    Mamimi: ... *Leans over to look at the bracer* ...

    Haruko: ... *Stares at the bracer, expressionless* ...

    ...Chng chng chng chng...

    --- --- ---

    [ Library / Dorothy's Room: ]

    Dorothy: Of course.

    *She begins to lead Yuuka out of the room*

    Makoto & Pitou: *Follow after*

    --- --- ---

    [ Kokonoe's Lab: ]

    Zev: *Readies a Silver Key*

    *From out of the darkness emerges a mechanical figure...*

    Robo-Makoto: *Eyes glow a threatening green*

    Zev: Open, Gate to the Chisel! *Key glows bright*

    *From the light emerges some kind of head-sized, satellite-shaped structure, floating in mid-air*

    Zev: Put on a nice show for Kokonoe, Caelum. M'kay?

    Caelum: ... *Abruptly fires a shot of energy*

    *The enemy robot's abdomen is blasted open*

    Robo-Makoto: Whrrr... *Falls over*

    Caelum: ... *Returns to the key* ...

    Zev: That good, Koko - ...Noe...?

    *He finds that Aries, Coco, and Kokonoe have disappeared*

    Zev: Well...I just remembered...I have something I need to go do...

    *Before he can move, a hovering, robotic sphere appears behind him and extends many mechanical tendrils*

    Zev: Awww sh!t. *Tries in vain to escape the grabbing arms*

    Kokonoe: *Chuckles* Don't worry, Aries. I won't hurt him.

    Aries: *Quivers, holding Coco in her arms*

    Washu: *Enters the room, grinning*

    --- --- ---

    [ Outside the Ship: ]

    *All is mostly quiet*

    *However, a red glow is blinking rapidly in the sky*

    *Coming no closer, moving no farther, in remains in place*

    *Its glow becomes brighter...*

    --- --- ---

    [ Medical Mechanica Factory: ]

    *Soon, the group arrives at another room*

    *The passage on the far side is clear open for them*

    *However, suddenly, a huge, mechanical hand with a glowing red eye in the palm unfolds over the doorway*

    *Four long, rumbling arms slam down to ward them from going any further*

    *As well, more Rahkshi with nurse's caps and giant cyringe attachments begin to emerge*

    *Soon, they are followed by huge drones with taser-arms*

    Prudence: Here we go. *Readies lance*

    Etna: *Stays back*

    --- --- ---

    [ Malchior IV: ]

    Praepositus: ... *Moves away* ...

    Wyvern Serkel: *Continues wreaking havoc on the enemy fleet*

    Master Big Star: *Watches on calmly*

    Toph: *Remains silent*

    --- --- ---

    [ Ghu'uhr: ]

    Takashima: *Lands on the shore with a thump* Glah.

    *Beneath one hefty arm, he carries a large, well-armored, dark gray box*

    Mushima: *Draws away from the beaten, repeatedly-slashed corpse of the giant anomalotharye*

    *Together, they begin moving back towards the path slashed into the brush*

    *Moving near, the Irumok start to growl angrily*

    Mushima: *Tosses the leader a pouch of credits, snorting derisively*

    *Satisfied, the Irumok move out as well*

    Mushima: Soon, Master...Soon.
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Klak Sun May 15, 2011 12:40 am

    *MK looks up*

    MK: I'm MakutaKlak. I'm a User. What do you want from me?


    *Nadle silently charges at the Rahkshi along with the Baterra and the rest of the Malchiorians*

    *D-Klak stares at the enormous hand*

    DK: "This is going to take a while..."


    *Perseus and another knight of the Keruvim are crouching behind a rock*

    *Perseus forms a sword out of the rock, while the other, a female, shoots at the enemy forces*

    *he jumps from the rock, and slashes his sword at several soldiers*

    *Klak slices and hacks his way through a garrison of enemy troops, arriving at Wyvern Serkel*

    Me: You're either with us or against us. Do you want to tag team them? We need to make sure the Malchiorians reach the encampment. The squad doing so was killed by the enemy.

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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by SHROOM Sun May 15, 2011 7:30 am

    [ Training Room: ]

    *Everyone apart from Draak'ha looks at the bracer*

    Ursakune: ... Intriguing.

    Draak'ha: ... Why did everyone go quiet?

    *She doesn't wait for an answer*

    Draak'ha: This is a training area, right?

    Shroom: Ye-

    Draak'ha: Anyone wanna fight?

    Shroom: I would if I could, but I can't.

    Draak'ha: *Giggles* If you weren't paralyzed, you would have just made another excuse~

    Moss: She's probably right there.

    Shroom: *Sigh*


    [ On the way to everyone else: ]

    *Yuuka tries to keep close to Dorothy as she follows her, trying not to lose balance while walking*

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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Zev the Reveler Sun May 15, 2011 12:53 pm

    [ Training Room: ]

    Mamimi: ... *Looks around* ...

    Haruko: ... *Continues staring at her bracer* ...

    Mamimi: I'll give it a try, Draak'ha-san.

    *She stands, readying her slingshot*

    Haruko: *Manages to move out of their way, easily dragging Shroom with her*

    Misaki: *Lifts Ryoko, leaving as well*

    Ryoko: ... *Whimper* ....

    --- --- ---

    [ Nearing the Others: ]

    Dorothy: *Gently helps Yuuka stay upright*

    Pitou: *Seems to be deep in thought about something*

    Makoto: *Swoons over Dorothy and Yuuka*

    --- --- ---

    [ Kokonoe's Lab: ]

    Washu & Kokonoe: *Back in the nurse's outfits*

    Zev: *Huffs, strapped up with his arms and legs trapped firmly*

    Washu: *Puts on a pair of rubber gloves with a snap!* Kekekekekekekekeke~

    Zev: *Shiver* *Shiver* Guhrrr...Damn you, Washu....

    Aries: *Has covered her eyes in distress*

    Coco: *Napping on a couch*

    --- --- ---

    [ Medical Mechanica Factory: ]

    Prudence: *Rapidly slashes the arms off of one drone*

    *Another stab causes it to fall back, sparking and smoking wildly*

    Prudence: *Keeps up her assault on the machines*

    --- --- ---

    [ Malchior IV: ]


    *He unleashes a cloud of flames on Klak from his flamethrower, before taking flight away at top speed*

    *Tail-hammer swinging wildly, he takes out a sizeable ship allied with Klak's forces*

    Serkel: *Swoops around again*
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by SHROOM Sun May 15, 2011 1:13 pm

    [ Training Room: ]

    *Draak'ha hits the floor with her fist to elevate her onto her feet and upright*

    Draak'ha: It's settled then~!

    *Ursakune and Moss also get out of the way, Moss getting out a curious object out of her pocket and fiddling with it*

    *Draak'ha takes her two big heavy claymores off of her back as if they were small sticks, she spins them around threateningly*

    Moss: Yo, Shroom, are there already batteries in this thing?

    Shroom: Mmm-hmm.

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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Tamar Sun May 15, 2011 1:29 pm

    Meca One: I want to know how you got here.
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Zev the Reveler Sun May 15, 2011 1:47 pm

    [ Bebop II, Training Room: ]

    Mamimi: *Launches a Burst Green at Draak'ha*

    *The peculiar seed unfurls several vines, aiming to grab her*

    Misaki: *Keeps a hold on the lightly-kicking Ryoko* There there, dear.

    Ryoko: *Grumble* ...Not your daughter...Not your daughter...Fuuu...Fuuuuu... *Keeps weakly struggling*

    Misaki: *Still has yet to release the younger woman from her firm, yet gentle hold*

    Haruko: ... *Continues staring at the rattling ring on bracer* ...

    ...Chng chng chng chng chng chng...

    --- --- ---

    [ Outside the Ship: ]

    *The red light continues blinking up above*

    *It comes slightly closer...*
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Kon Sun May 15, 2011 2:22 pm

    *V-K absorbs all of the spheres around him and divides them*
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Tamar Sun May 15, 2011 2:24 pm

    *more spheres descend and fly right at V-K, causing him to absorb more than he can handle*
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    Post by Kon Sun May 15, 2011 2:27 pm

    Vorahk-Kah: DUCK!

    *Muta, Yon, and Trantoshen all throw themselves on the ground*

    *V-K releases a lot of the energy in a huge blast, which flies over the group*
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Tamar Sun May 15, 2011 2:29 pm

    *the spheres absorb the energy and fire it back at the group in the form of lightning*
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Kon Sun May 15, 2011 2:31 pm

    *V-K absorbs the lightning blast, fires it into a wall, and absorbs and divides the spheres*
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Tamar Sun May 15, 2011 2:33 pm

    *suddenly, a portal opens, and V-K is sucked into it*

    *more spheres appear and attack the group*
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Klak Sun May 15, 2011 2:59 pm

    MK: Ever heard of a being called Blackout?


    *Klak is thrown back, his armor quite incinerated*

    Me: Oh. Ugh....THAT'S HOW YOU WANT TO PLAY?!! *he begins to glow, and flies towards the Wyvern*

    *his Keyblade glows, and he begins slashing at Serkel*
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by SHROOM Sun May 15, 2011 3:09 pm

    [ Bebop II, Training Room: ]

    *Draak'ha's metal feet glow, she strafes quickly to the side while slashing at the vines in an "X" motion*

    *She kicks forward, despite her distance from Mamimi, and from her glowing foot blasts a head-sized stone, going directly for Mamimi*

    Ursakune: I see her fighting style hasn't changed either.

    Moss: Heh, and yet it's the same one that knocked Shroom out cold after he mentioned her anger problem~

    Shroom: Okay, I wasn't the ONLY one she unleashed her violence on, was I?

    Moss: She broke my arm, but that was ONE TIME.

    Ursakune: On the contrary, I distinctly remember the time when you commented on your chest size compared to hers, and she did a home-run on you with a freshly pulled tree trunk.

    *Moss mumbles angrily and eventually grows silent*

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    Post by Zev the Reveler Sun May 15, 2011 3:24 pm

    [ Training Room: ]

    Mamimi: *Launches another Burst Green*

    *A large mass of fronds unfolds, capturing the rock*

    *With the projectile dropped, Mamimi prepares another Burst Green*

    Haruko: *Looks up from bracer*

    --- --- ---

    [ Outside the Ship: ]

    *The light continues to draw closer*

    *Stopping at only several meters above the ship, it blinks faster and faster*

    *Its red glow bathes the area*

    *Emerging from within, a certain character stares up at it...*

    Wekiga: ...Bloody hell?
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by SHROOM Sun May 15, 2011 3:38 pm

    [ Training Room: ]

    Draak'ha: Rrrgh!

    *She does a backflip-kick, blasting three slightly smaller stones towards Mammimi at different heights*

    *Not checking to see if they hit, she goes into a charging position with both of her claymores glowing*

    Draak'ha: *Strained giggle*

    Shroom: I honestly have no clue of what will come from this fight.

    Ursakune: Indeed so.

    OOS: Nyah, short post, sorry...
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    Post by Zev the Reveler Sun May 15, 2011 3:52 pm

    [ Training Room: ]

    Mamimi: *Noticing something, jumps back to dodge*

    *She abruptly raises her arms, crossing them in an X above her head*

    Mamimi: Uncle. I give. There's something more important right now.

    *From outside, Makoto, Pitou, Dorothy & Yuuka have entered*

    Makoto: A whole new friend~! Yaaay~

    Dorothy: ... *Walks over to meet Draak'ha*

    Pitou: *Strolls over to Haruko, gazing at her bracer*

    Haruko: *Holds the bracer up, as it continues to jingle*

    Pitou: ... *Eyes harden* ...

    --- --- ---

    [ Outside the Ship: ]

    Wekiga: *Watches the crimson light*

    Red Light: *Continues blinking, faster and faster*

    *It draws slightly closer...*
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by SHROOM Sun May 15, 2011 4:11 pm

    [ Training Room: ]

    *Draak'ha releases her charged energy by smashing the floor with titanic force*

    Draak'ha: *Breathes deeply*

    *She notices everyone who has entered, and Dorothy, who is walking towards her*

    Draak'ha: *Gives a :D smile* Hey~! I'm Draak'ha~

    OOS: I HATE having to use emoticons, HATE IT.

    Moss: *Glances over at the bracer* This is more of a Shroom area of intelligence, but I can safely say: that 'aint normal.

    Shroom: Whaddya you mean, Shroom area of intelligence? I honestly have no clue.

    *Ursakune goes over to give Yuuka a big fuzzy hug*

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    Post by Zev the Reveler Sun May 15, 2011 4:25 pm

    [ Training Room: ]

    Dorothy: *Folds hands in front of herself* It's nice to meet you, Ms...?

    Makoto: *Giggles at the sight before her*

    Pitou: ... *Gazes down at Haruko's bracer* ...It's Atomsk, isn't it?

    Haruko: Prolly. *Keeps her eyes on it, as it continues rattling*

    Pitou: *Looks to Moss* Well, you're right about it not being normal. For the most part.

    Haruko: *Seems to be contemplating something*

    --- --- ---

    [ Kokonoe's Lab: ]

    Zev: *Has been dumped on the floor, pants around his ankles, shivering*

    Washu: An excellent test run of our new equipment.

    Kokonoe: You know it, girl. This'll be excellent fanfiction material. *Purrr*

    Washu: *Cackle* I take it you're an avid writer of this genre~?

    Kokonoe: An excellent writer of lemons, I am. Kekeke - Lussuria'll love this.

    Washu: *Snicker* I'm sure he to~tally will~

    Aries: *Blushes hotly*
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by SHROOM Sun May 15, 2011 4:41 pm

    [ Training Room: ]

    Draak'ha: Juuuuust call me Draak'ha.

    *She giggles and waves over to Makoto*

    Shroom: ... Can someone put me on a chair or something?

    Moss: No~, but I can use you as a chair.

    *She sits on his chest*

    Shroom: You're crushing me...

    Moss: Oh, you're not being serious, I'm not that heavy, am I?

    *Shroom takes extreme care in what he says next*

    Shroom: No, you're fine.

    Moss: *Giggles*

    Shroom: *Sigh* Anyways, I'm still not clear on what that bracer actually is.

    *Yuuka stretches her wings*

    Ursakune: Yuuka, can I ask you a question?

    Yuuka: ... Okay...

    Ursakune: When was the last time you flew?

    *Yuuka stretches her wings again uncomfortably*

    Yuuka: *Blushes* I'm sorry... I know I should be flying more often...

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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Tamar Sun May 15, 2011 5:07 pm

    Meca One: No. Who is it?
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    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Empty Re: BZPower Battles

    Post by Zev the Reveler Sun May 15, 2011 5:19 pm

    [ Bebop II, Training Room: ]

    Dorothy: Hm...It is a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Draak'ha.

    *Headband's circuits flickering once, twice, she continues speaking*

    Dorothy: My name is Dorothy Wayneright. I am an android of unknown purpose, but...

    *Turning her gaze to Makoto, then Yuuka, then Pitou, she finishes*

    Dorothy: ...But I am finding...Purpose.

    Makoto: *Wraps arm around Dorothy's shoulder* I'm Makoto Nanaya!

    Pitou: ... *Looks to Shroom, before back to Haruko* ...

    Haruko: When this ring rattles...It means Atomsk is near.

    *A faint rumbling can be heard from far outside the ship*

    Pitou: Are you going to go after him? This is the first time he's come to you in ages...

    Haruko: ...Nah. He's got something in mind. Dunno what though.

    *She continues watching the rattling ring idly*

    Pitou: Atomsk...Heh. I'd rather like to see him for myself.

    Haruko: Famous last words.

    --- --- ---

    [ Outside the Ship: ]

    Wekiga: *Charging gray flames*

    Red Light: *Continues blinking, as well as giving off breathing noises*

    Wekiga: Incredible...Your power...It's just like what I see in those two girls...Haruko and Mamimi...Yet...

    *A hot breeze rustles against him, scalding his face and instantly drying his odd skin*

    Wekiga: ...Yet, you are in an entirely different league. Not since Arazu have I felt like this...

    *Licking his lips, a maddened grin spreads across his demonic features; his single, silver eye glints brightly*

    Wekiga: You are far more powerful...Your mind is unknowable...You see a General of Void as unimportant...

    *Sweat starts beading on his brow, then streams down his features*

    Wekiga: Heheheheh...I'm terrified.

    --- --- ---

    [ Ryuten: ]

    Hishima: *Meets his brothers on the dock* ...

    Mushima: Program 32 has been retrieved, brother. I've taken this opportunity to hook up the Y-7 Core and start the Program running. All that's left is Special Program 17, correct?

    Hishima: Correct. We shall set out for Anbaro at once. *Looks over shoulder*

    *The ring of metallic strips has returned, apparently invisible to all but the Shima Brothers*

    Mushima: ...And it has still yet to make a move?

    Hishima: Indeed. Ready the ship.

    *Nodding, Mushima and Takashima head back into the ship*

    Hishima: *Continues eyeing the construct warily*

    --- --- ---

    [ The Bebop II, Kokonoe's Lab: ]

    Tamao: *Has walked in, and is fanning her distressed brother*

    *With Aries dismissed and Coco still napping on the couch from before, it is mostly peaceful*

    *However, a transmission suddenly comes through in a nearby room; Washu seems to answer*

    *Moments later, a being teleports in with a rustling, and follows Washu out; chatting idly*

    *At first glance, Washu appears to be talking to Ryoko*

    Tamao: *Gives the Space Pirate a fierce glare, before another presence phases into the room*

    *Whirling, Tamao's eyes widen as she sees that they've now been joined by...*

    Ryoko: Gah. I thought Zev's mom would never let go...

    Tamao: *Stares back at the individual Washu is talking to*

    *At that moment, the individual stops talking to Washu and looks over at Tamao*

    BZPower Battles - Page 3 Minagi_Mugshot

    ???: *Looks exactly like Ryoko, but with a pair of twin crescent scars on her cheeks* ...?

    Ryoko: Oh great. Goody-Goody is here. I had really missed being compared to you, Minagi.

    Minagi: Oh come on, Ryoko! You know I wouldn't bother you guys if it wasn't important!

    Washu: Now, now. You're ruining the latest addition to my Video Album~ *Has a cellphone out*

    Minagi & Ryoko: *Look over to Tamao* *Together* ...Oh boy.

    Tamao: *Hyperventilating* Two...Two Ryokos...Two of them...Two of them...!!

    Kokonoe: *Tosses aside an emptied box* Relax. She's not a combative hussy like the Ryoko we know and love.

    Ryoko: Hey, you little Demon Cat!! Watch what you say about people who are in the room!!

    Kokonoe: I said "know and love." Would Washu have said that much?

    Tamao: *Face is turning red; hair is falling out of bun again* I will only remain patient...A while longer...!!

    Kokonoe: Fine. A long time ago, while constructing Ryoko, Washu had a number of assistants. Among them was a swordsman named Yakage. He saw potential in a Ryoko of his own...So, he lifted a half-finished DNA sample and completed it with copies of his own X chromosomes. The result is a sort of...Sister Ryoko.

    Minagi: *Bows politely* I apologize for making you upset, Glory-san. I didn't know you and Ryoko-san had an...Unpleasant history. *Stands upright, smiling sweetly* All the same, I hope we can be friends!

    Ryoko: *Grumble* *Grumble* ...Goody-Goody Minagi shows up in all the stories, uninvited...

    Washu: Would you have something to let the rest of us hear, Dear Daughter? *Grin*

    Ryoko: *Flinch* ...! S...Screw you, Washu. You can't scare me.

    Washu: Keep telling yourself that~ So, Minagi. Why do you feel like joining in?

    Ryoko: Yeah - I thought you were handling corrupt merchants and politicians around the Horsehead Nebula?

    Minagi: ... *Eyes soften* ...It's about...Yakage-sama...Something that was his.

    Kokonoe: *Whispers to Tamao* Yakage passed away some years ago.

    Tamao: *Whispers back* I see. That explains a bit.

    Minagi: I wish to retrieve a sword that was stolen from him... *Eyes turn downward*

    Washu: *Draws closer* What's the matter? And don't lie to me about it.

    Ryoko: ... *Eyes soften* You can tell us about it.

    Minagi: It was stolen...Because of...Me...

    Washu: Just talk when you're ready.

    Minagi: *Nod* *Nod*


    OOS: Hey, Shroom. We gonna go back to Omaha and the Flowered Planet soon?

    ...If you wanna?

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